Still Wakes the Deep Wiki

Addair is one of the workers alongside Caz on the Beira D. oil rig.

General Information[]

Addair is an Englishman and a supporter of the National Front, a Neo-Nazi political party that gained prominence in Britain during the 1970s. He is the sole occupant of room 106. Various pieces of dialogue provide insight into his character and role on the Beira D. Oil Platform.

Infected Addair's dialogue, such as "Don't fuck with my engines. Why they always fucking about with it?" and infected Gibbo's concern about Addair getting angry at him, along with mentioning that Addair ordered him to the water tanks after the drill disaster, hint at Addair's significant position within the engineering team. His reference to "an honest day's graft" (honest graft refers to the money-making opportunities that might arise while holding public office) and the fact that Rennick trusted him enough to confide in him about the letter from the police looking for Caz suggest that Addair may have held an important and high-ranking position within the engineering department.

However, Caz's remark that Addair couldn't handle his job because he "wouldn't know the difference between a spark plug and a fucking hair dryer," and Addair's lack of denial, imply that his role was likely more managerial rather than hands-on with maintaining the machinery.

Addair has at least one child, a boy referenced by a message from Trots, though he may have multiple going by a voice line. Addair appears to have a fondness for beer, as evidenced by the 16 cans found in his room, two of which are already empty. Additionally, a pack of cigarettes suggests that he is a smoker. His room also contains a few weights and a dumbbell, indicating that he engages in weight training.

In Addair's room, a message from Trots reads: "Addair, I've got those commissary items you requested coming next week. - Trots. Sorry to hear about your wee lad."

It is implied that Addair is widely disliked amongst the crew; he bunks alone, eats alone in the cafeteria, and when Caz cracks a joke at his expense the others do not hesitate to join in laughing at him. He also is aware of the contents of the letter regarding Caz's assault case whilst the others (besides Roy) are not and is expectant towards his firing, implying that he may have a close relationship to Rennick, who is also widely disliked.

In his room is a National Front poster with the words "Put Britons First. STOP immigration. REJECT Common Market. RESTORE capital punishment. MAKE Britain great again. SCRAP overseas aid. REBUILD our armed forces. Vote National Front."


Addair is first seen in the cafeteria, where he is aggressive and rude to Caz regarding a letter Rennick received, gloating and taunting him about its contents.

An infected Gibbo remarks that it was Addair who directed him towards the water tanks. The exact moment when Addair became infected remains unknown. However, when Caz enters the engineering section to restart the generators as instructed by Finlay, he discovers Addair there. Addair has transformed into a monstrous being, constantly howling and occasionally speaking in his former voice, taunting Caz.

Addair calls Caz names such as "coward" while stalking him during his attempts to restart the generators. He is often heard complaining about various issues, such as "the constant howling of the pipes" and "they don't pay me enough for this." His remarks, like "Scum all think they're better than me ... I'll fucking show 'em," reveal a deep-seated resentment and sense of inferiority.

His complaints and mutterings, such as "Think of the money, just think of the money," and "Call the kids ... Don't forget ... to call the kids," suggest he is haunted by remnants of his former life and responsibilities.

Later, when Caz attempts to relight the flare, Addair reappears in the Processing Quad. The whereabouts of Muir during this time are unclear, as he was previously stalking the decks. When Caz tries to use a faulty elevator, it drops and attracts Addair, who lunges towards the gate to try and break through. Addair's motivations for preventing the flare from being lit are uncertain, despite Caz and Brodie’s decision to proceed to reduce the likelihood of an explosion.

Addair meets his end when Caz successfully relights the flare, setting Addair ablaze. A burning Addair falls into the North Sea, never to be seen again.



Addair wears a necklace and a white undershirt, complemented by an unzipped denim jacket featuring the Cadal logo on the right breast and back. The left side of his jacket is adorned with three badges, adding a personal touch to his uniform. He is bald, which accentuates his distinctive appearance.


In his infected form, Addair's appearance becomes grotesquely altered. His jaw is severely disfigured, and he is missing most of his body, including his torso and lower half, which have been replaced by a grotesque fleshy mass. This mass is covered with blister-like lumps, prominent white veins, deformed bones, an extra head on his left side (possibly from a victim), eyeballs, and several protruding arms, likely from individuals he killed and absorbed into his body. His nose is scrunched up and his forehead has minor wrinkles. Similar to the other infected individuals, Addair has appendages that help him navigate and grasp onto objects, adding to his horrifying transformation.


In-Game Dialouge[]

  • In the Canteen:
    • "Enjoying your last day, McLeary?"
    • "You've been a naughty boy from what I've heard."
    • "Well, you'll not be missed. Yer wouldn't know a day's graft if it slapped yer in the face."
    • "Watch your mouth, McLeary."
  • Infected (WIP):
    • "What?"
    • "Nothing ... Where are they, eh?"
    • "Hm?"
    • "Ah?"
    • "What was that?"
    • "What's that..."
    • "What's that now ..."
    • "I see you!"
    • "What are you up to, eh?"
    • "There you are!"
    • "Running away ... Pathetic."
    • "Someone here?"
    • "I hear someone."
    • "You trying to trick me?!"
    • "Who's doing this...?"
    • "Up to your old tricks, McLeary...?"
    • "What you up to, eh?!"
    • "Up to your old tricks, McLeary? Pathetic!"
    • "McLeary, the big man, hiding! That's how it is?"
    • "You scared McLeary ...? You should be."
    • "I know you're close."
    • "Nothing. I'll find ye..."
    • "Come ... here!"
    • "Let's see..."
    • "I'll find ya, you fucking prick."
    • "You can't run forever."
    • "Stop hiding."
    • "McLeary, I fucking kill you!"
    • "Your not getting out of this rig alive."
    • "Coward... Bastard..."
    • "Just ... you ... wait ..."
    • "Come out and face me, you Bastard!"
    • "Pipes always rattling... Fucking place."
    • "Rat Bastards..."
    • "[SCREAMS]"
    • "(screams)"
    • "They’re no paying me enough for this shit."
    • "Don't fuck with my engine. Why they always fucking about with it?"
    • "Scum all think they're better than me ... I'll fucking show 'em."
    • "Fucking look what they did ... Should have let me choke the flow, all be fine now, all be fine."
    • "You won't be so lucky next time."
    • "I fucking see you!"
    • "Think you can hide from me?!"
    • "I can smell you ..."
    • "I can hear ya ..."
    • "You run away, that's what you do ..."
    • "Think of the money, just think of the money."
    • "Call the kids ... Don't forget ... to call the kids."
    • "Two more weeks and I'm out of here."
    • "Merry Christmas, you c*nts."
    • "Fight me, you c*nt."
    • "McLeary... Come out! Come here... Coward!"
    • "Fuck's sake. I'm waiting, McLeary."
    • "Always knew he was a fucking coward"
  • Addair on the Flare stack:
    • "STAY...AWAY!"
    • "What did you do!"


  • Addair and Gregor are the only two known characters that were present on the rig but did not actually die on it.
    • Instead, he drowned in the North sea.
  • Addair suggested "T.N.T." by AC/DC, released in 1975, for the jukebox. The song did not receive any checks from the crew.
  • Addair's last name begins with the letter 'T' and his first name is, in fact, 'Addair.'
  • In the gamefiles there is a file that suggests Rennick was supposed to kill Addair, in an earlier version of the game.

